For More Info Things Stationery Addicts Do That When No One Else Does Trying numerous pens until they feel right Refusing to start a project without buying a new notebook. Hesitating to write on the first page in case of mess it up. Or ripping the page off if it’s not up to your standards. Feeling panic when someone asks to borrow your pen. And feeling a die inside when you lose your favorite pen. Feeling super passionate about line widths Getting excited about going back to school because you get to buy even more stationery. Feeling both admirations about your handwriting on the paper Buying special pens for the specific purpose of decorating your bullet journal. Feeling like you’ve achieved a personal goal for having completed an entire notebook. Feeling instantly calmed by an organized stationery set. Daydreaming about owning monogrammed stationery inside your name on it. And feeling an instant affinity with anyone who likes stationery as much as you do.